the municipality’s 2016 annual hpf payment law enforcement inspection launched-尊龙凯时人生就是博官网登录

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the municipality’s 2016 annual hpf payment law enforcement inspection launched

in acccordance with relevant stipulations of the state council’s regulations on management of housing provident fund, provisions of shanghai municipality on administration of housing provident fund, and the municipal government’s requirements for further expansion of housing provident fund system coverage, the municipality’s provident fund management committee, trade union, housing & urban-rural development management commission and provident fund center have decided to conduct 2016 annual housing provident fund payment law enforcement inspection from april to october in a bid to safeguard employees’ legitimate rights and interests and increase employees’ housing consumption capability for their sharing the benefits of reformation and development to maintain social equality and promote social harmony.

this round of law enforcement inspection shall focus on all organs, enterprises, institutions, private non-enterprise entities and associations that are liable to make hpf payment pursuant to regulations of the state council on housing provident fund administration, underscoring those entities failing to fulfill procedures for hpf payment registration or opening hpf accounts for their staff, or failing to make regular, timely and adequate payment for their staff, not including those applying for reduced payment rates or postponed housing provident fund payment due to financial constraint caused by business downturn. the municipal provident fund center shall avail itself of information pertaining to entities’ social insurance payment and resort to specific measures such as issuing missives, monitoring and expediting, onsite verification and inspection in cases of entities’ failure to fulfill account opening procedures or make hpf payment.

the law enforcement inspection campaign shall be divided into two phases: phase one (now through july) for entities’ self checking and correction, and phase two (august through october) for sampling inspection. the entity should earnestly conduct self checking and correction in accordance with pertinent hpf regulations of the state and this municipality, fill in housing provident fund payment status self-checking form accordingly, submit the completed form, confirmed by affixing of the official seal, to the designated place within the prescribed time, and in cases of nonconformities, submit self checking and correction report and remedial plan and proactively take corrective actions. during phase two (sampling inspection from august through october), a coalition enforcement inspection team, constituted of delegates from the municipality’s housing provident fund management committee, trade union, housing & urban-rural development management commission and provident fund center, shall conduct onsite inspection of those nonconforming units failing to take self checking and corrective actions, and the latter should cooperate and clarify, provide relevant documents and correct the violations accordingly. the provident fund center shall also seek third-party strength for special auditing of the housing provident fund payment status of those entities set as priority targets for inspection.

as  for those entities refusing to cooperate or to take corrective actions as required, municipal provident fund center shall impose administrative penalities or apply to courts for mandatory enforcement measures in accordance with regulations on management of housing provident fund, provisions of shanghai municipality on administration of housing provident fund and measures on management of shanghai housing provident fund administrative enforcement, or even publicize them on shanghai housing provident fund website, and provide relevant violation information to shanghai public credit information service platform and the central bank’s credit information platform, and apply to the people’s court for putting them under bad-credit name list pending administrative enforcement as necessary.
