reduce the number of co-尊龙凯时人生就是博官网登录

reduce the number of co-borrowers

i. application conditions:

1. legal causes such as divorce or death of the borrower occur;

2. the loan does not have the principal, interest in arrears, principal penalty interest, interest penalty interest, expenses needed to realize the creditor's right, losses caused to the lender due to the borrower's default and all other expenses payable;

3, can carry out the real estate registration of mortgage real estate has the mortgage notice registration into the registration of mortgage;

4. after the reduction of joint borrowers, the borrowers and other loan participants shall have a stable and legal source of economic income and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan.

5. the borrower shall meet the following conditions:

(1) the provident fund account is unique and has not been frozen;

(2) have a good credit record and repayment willingness.

6. other conditions stipulated by the municipal public provident fund management committee or the municipal public provident fund center.

ii. if the borrower is under any of the following circumstances, the co-borrower shall not be reduced:

1. those who are included in the list of persons subject to enforcement for trust-breaking;

2. it provides false information or promises, etc.;

3, the last three years to forge the contract and issue a certificate of false and fabricated false leasing means cheat to obtain the public accumulation fund for housing construction is incorporated into the center of city accumulation fund personal serious breach behavior list, or the last five years illegal obtained through cheating was incorporated into the center of city accumulation fund personal serious breach of accumulation fund loan behavior list;

4. there are other circumstances that may affect the safety of provident fund loans.

iii. handling place:

the original loan acceptance network.

iv. requirements:

1. identity certificate: the original identity card of the borrower, the co-borrower, the co-owner of the property right and the spouse of the aforesaid person (if the minor does not have an identity card, the birth certificate shall be provided); for hong kong, macao and taiwan residents, the original mainland travel permit for hong kong, macao and taiwan residents, mainland travel permit for taiwan residents or residence permit for hong kong, macao and taiwan residents shall be provided; original passport for foreign nationals and those who have obtained permanent (long-term) residence abroad; for people from hong kong, macao, taiwan and foreign countries, please provide contact information (name, id number and contact information) and id card. if the above persons are adults with limited (no) capacity for civil conduct, the original and copy of guardian certificate shall be provided.

2. proof of reasons for change: if the original borrower is divorced, the original and photocopy of the divorce certificate, the divorce agreement with the stamp of the civil affairs bureau to prove the ownership of property rights and debts, or the effective court judgment and mediation statement shall be provided; where the original borrower dies or is declared dead, the original and photocopy of the death certificate or the death judgment of the court, the notarial certificate proving the right of inheritance or bequest of the ownership of the property rights and debts, the judgment or the mediation statement shall be provided. the original and photocopy of the divorce certificate and death certificate notarized by the notary office of the place of residence (hong kong, macao or taiwan) for the person from hong kong, macao or taiwan who has not registered in the mainland (mainland); the original and photocopy of the divorce certificate or death certificate certified by the embassy (consulate) of the people's republic of china in that country or certified by the embassy (consulate) of that country in china.

3. provident fund loan contract: the original provident fund loan contract.

4. property right certificate: the original registration certificate of real estate right certificate.

5. if the applicant applies for change of co-ownership housing before batch 2016 (excluding), the relevant opinion letter of approval for change and adjustment issued by the housing security center shall be provided.

6. other materials required by the municipal provident fund center.

v. personnel present:

1. person applying for change on the scene: borrower and co-borrower.

2. persons present to sign the modification agreement: the borrower, the co-borrower, the co-owner of the property right (if the mortgagor change is involved) and the spouse of the above-mentioned persons.

3. for those who are unable to attend the event, the notarization certificate issued by the notarization agency (the notarization certificate should specify the relevant matters entrusted) and the original identity certificate of the trustee shall be provided.

vi. procedures:

application for change -- approval of change -- signing of change agreement -- handling of mortgage change (such as involving change of mortgagor) -- closing of the change (such as involving change of mortgagor).

vii. time limit:

the time limit for approval of pure provident fund loan materials is 10 working days if the procedures are complete; the time of the portfolio loan involving commercial loan shall be subject to the time agreed by the bank, and the approval time of the provident fund part shall be 10 working days.
