change of non-尊龙凯时人生就是博官网登录

change of non-borrowing mortgagor

i. application conditions

1.   consent of all mortgagors.

2.   the loan has no principal, interest, principal penalty interest, interest penalty interest, the cost required to realize the debt, the loss caused to the lender due to the borrower's default and all other payable expenses.

3.   for the mortgaged real estate that can register the real estate, the advance notice registration of the mortgage has been changed into the mortgage registration;

4.   the reduced mortgagor cannot be the borrower of the loan

5.   other conditions stipulated by the shanghai provident fund management committee or the shanghai provident fund management center.

ii. place of application: accepted before august 01, 2020:

the business network of shanghai estate guaranty co.,ltd. portfolio loan’s borrower should go to the original lending bank branch to check the change of commercial loan first.

2.   loans accepted after august 1, 2020:

original loan acceptance bank branch.

iii. application requirements

1. id card: the original id card of the borrower, co borrower, co owner of property right before and after the change, and the spouse of the above-mentioned person (if the minor has no id card, the birth certificate shall be provided); the original id card of hong kong and macao residents to and from the mainland, taiwan residents to and from the mainland, or hong kong, macao and taiwan residents' residence card shall be provided by the hong kong, macao and taiwan people; the original id card of foreign people, who have obtained overseas permanent (long-term) identity card shall be provided the right of residence provides the original passport and provides the chinese translation signed by the person. the hong kong, macao and taiwan and foreigners need to provide the contact information (name, id number and contact method) and identity document of the domestic contact. if the above-mentioned person is an adult with limited or no capacity for civil conduct, the original and copy of guardianship certificate shall be provided.

2. if the mortgagor dies or is declared dead, the mortgagor shall provide the death certificate or the court's death judgment, the original and copy of the notarial certificate, judgment or mediation certificate proving the inheritance or bequest of the house property right; the mortgagor from hong kong, macao or taiwan shall provide the original and copy of the death certificate notarized by the notary organ of his residence (hong kong, macao or taiwan); the foreigner shall provide the original and copy of the death certificate notarized by the people's republic of china the original and copy of the death certificate certified by the chinese embassy or consulate in china.

3. if the property owner is changed due to marriage, marriage certificate shall be provided: original and copy of marriage certificate, original and copy of divorce certificate and divorce agreement or court divorce judgment. people from hong kong, macao and taiwan who are married or divorced but have not registered their marriage in the mainland (mainland) need to provide a marriage certificate notarized by the notary office of their place of residence (hong kong, macao or taiwan). married people in taiwan can provide a taiwan identity card (see the details of family members on the back). for marriage registration abroad, the original and copy of the marriage certificate issued by the notary organ or competent authority of the country where the marriage is registered and certified by the embassy (or consulate) of the people's republic of china in that country or the embassy (or consulate) of that country in china shall be provided. if the marriage is in a foreign language version, the original and copy of the translation certificate issued by a regular translation agency shall be provided.

4. provident fund loan contract: original provident fund loan contract.

5. property right certificate: the original registration certificate of real estate certificate.

6. housing sales contract: if the mortgagor's share of property rights is changed due to housing sales, the original and copy of the housing sales contract shall be provided. after the change, the borrower's share of property rights shall not be lower than the average share of all property owners.

7. in case of application for change of the common property right security housing before 2016 batch (excluding), the relevant opinions issued by the housing security center for approval of change and adjustment shall be provided.

8. other materials required by the municipal provident fund center.

iv. people present:

1.   application for change of attendees: the borrower, all mortgagors before and after the change.

2.   those who signed the change agreement: the borrower, the co-borrower, the co-owner of the property rights and the spouses of the aforementioned persons.

if you are unable to be present, you need to provide an entrusted notary certificate issued by a notary public (the relevant entrusted matters should be specified in the notary certificate) and the original id of the trustee.

v. handling process

1.   loans accepted before august 1, 2020:

the provident fund loan only:apply for change----sign the change agreement---change approval---handle mortgage change---change settlement;

portfolio loan: go to the original loan bank to review the change of part of the commercial loan - apply for change at shanghai estate guaranty co., ltd. - sign the change agreement - approve the change - handle the mortgage change - change the completion.

2.   loans accepted after august 1, 2020:

apply for change---change approval---sign the change agreement---handle mortgage change---chang settlement.

vi. processing time limit:

apply for a provident fund loan only, the review and approval time limit is 10 working days when the documentation procedures are complete; the commercial loan part of the combined loan is subject to the time agreed by the bank.
