personal housing loan application for purchasing the jointly owned property right guarantee housing in shanghai-尊龙凯时人生就是博官网登录

personal housing loan application for purchasing the jointly owned property right guarantee housing in shanghai

1. application conditionsof the borrower and co-borrowers

(1). the loan applicant and the joint loan applicant are the employees who normally pay the housing provident fund, including individual industrial and commercial households and their employees, part-time employees and other flexible employment personnel (hereinafter collectively referred to as voluntary depositor);

(2). employees who normally pay and deposit housing provident funds in other provinces and cities need to provide and review the "certificate of use of housing provident fund for workers with loans in other places", and comply with the relevant policy requirements for loans in other places;

(3). meet the requirements of the state and the city's real estate control policies;

(4). have full capacity for civil conduct;

(5). has reached the age of 18 and has not reached the legal retirement age (legal retirement age: male 60 years old, female 55 years old);

(6). the provident fund account is unique and has not been frozen, the current continuous full payment of the housing provident fund has reached the prescribed period (6 months), and there is no unterminated housing provident fund withdrawal agreement (including but not limited to housing provident fund withdrawal and loan repayment agreement, housing provident fund withdrawal and payment of rent agreement and other housing consumption withdrawal agreement, etc.);

(7). have good credit history and repayment willingness;

(8). it has a stable and legal source of economic income and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan, and the family of the borrower or co-borrower does not have unpaid housing provident fund debts or other debts that may affect the repayment of the provident fund loan;

(9).the loan applicant must be the purchaser of the jointly owned property right guarantee housing in shanghai and be able to provide the relevant contract or proof of purchase, identity certificate, down payment certificate and other materials that meet the requirements;

(10).the first payment has been paid not less than the prescribed proportion;

(11). able to provide guarantee methods approved by the municipal provident fund center;

(12).the loan applicant's share of the mortgaged property shall not be less than the average share of all property owners;

(13).the applicant for joint loan shall be the spouse, parents, children or co-owners of property rights of the applicant;

(14). applicants for joint loans shall bear joint repayment responsibilities for repayment of provident fund loans;

(15).the loan applicant and the joint loan applicant meet other conditions stipulated by the municipal provident fund management committee or the municipal provident fund center.

2. the loan applicant and joint loan applicant not granting loans:

(1).the credit transactions in the personal credit report of the people's bank of china credit information center are currently overdue and have not been repaid;

(2). there are overdue records of credit transactions for 6 consecutive periods (inclusive) or cumulatively more than 12 periods (inclusive) in the last 5 years;

(3).those included in the list of untrustworthy persons subject to enforcement;

(4). there are situations where false information or false promises are provided;

(5). those who have been included in the municipal provident fund center’s list of personally untrustworthy behaviors due to fraudulent withdrawals of housing provident funds by means of forging contracts, issuing false certificates, fabricating false leases, etc. in the last 3 years, or being illegally obtained provident fund loans by fraudulent means in the last 5 years included in the list of personal serious dishonesty behaviors of the municipal provident fund center

(6).for non-local loan employees, there are unsettled "certificates of payment, deposit and use of housing provident funds for employees of non-local loans", including the "certificate of payment, deposit and use of housing provident funds for employees of non-local loans". no settlement certificate;

(7). there are other situations that may affect the security of provident fund loans.

3. place of application:

(1). pure provident fund loans are accepted by district business departments of shanghai housing real estate financing guarantee co., ltd;

(2). provident fund portfolio loans are accepted by the branches of the city's provident fund loan trustee bank.

4. handling requirements:

(1). the "shanghai housing provident fund personal housing loan application form" completed by the borrower, "list of borrowers and family members, housing location form", and "enquiry letter of real estate under name".

(2). the "personal credit information inquiry authorization letter" completed by the borrower and co-borrower.

(3). identity certificate and household registration certificate: including the original id cards of the loan applicant and his spouse, the joint loan applicant and his spouse, the co-owner and his spouse (if the applicant's family has a minor, the birth certificate should be provided), the full original and photocopy of the household registration book of the loan applicant and his spouse, the joint loan applicant, the co-owner; hong kong, macao and taiwan residents provide the mainland travel permit for hong kong, macao residents, the mainland travel permit for taiwan residents, or the original residence permit for hong kong,foreigners and persons who have obtained permanent residence provide original passports and the chinese translated name confirmed by his signature;hong kong,macao and taiwan residents, and foreignersprovide domestic contact information (name, id number and contact information) and identity proof; if the above-mentioned persons are adults with restricted (no) civil capacity, the original and copy of the guardian's certificate should be provided.

(4). marriage certificate:

①.the loan applicant shall provide the original and photocopy of the marriage certificate for the married; the single person shall fill in the single undertaking; the divorced person shall provide the divorce certificate and the original and photocopy of the divorce agreement with the seal of the civil affairs bureau or the court divorce judgment;

②.marriage certificate of the joint loan applicant and the co-owner of the property right: the original and photocopy of the marriage certificate, and the single person needs to fill in the single undertaking;

③. for applicants from hong kong, macao and taiwan who have not completed marriage registration in the mainland (mainland), they must provide the original and photocopy of the marriage certificate notarized by the notary office in the place of residence (hong kong, macao or taiwan);taiwanese married persons can provide taiwan id(see family member details on the back).

④. if the marriage is registered overseas,the original and photocopy of the marriage certificate issued by the notary office or competent authority of the country and certified by the embassy of the people,s republic of china in that country or the embassy of the country in china should be provided. if it is in a foreign language, the original and copy of the translation issued by a formal translation agency should be provided. 

(5). proof of down payment:

①. for the purchase of new houses, provide the original and copy of the invoice issued by the selling unit. if there is no invoice, only the receipt must be provided with proof of payment, which is stamped with the developer’s official seal, financial seal or special invoice seal;

②.for the purchase of stock housing, provide the original and photocopy of the down payment receipt and payment certificate issued by the seller (the down payment party is limited to the buyer and his spouse, parents and children; the down payment party is limited to the sale party himself and his spouse).

(6). repayment account materials: the original type i debit card in the name of the borrower.

(7). proof of loan purpose:

①. if the loan is used to purchase a new house, provide the original and copy of the pre-sale contract of the off-plan house, the pre-announcement registration certificate or the sale contract of the existing house;

②.if the loan is used to purchase stock housing, provide the original and copy of the second-hand housing sales contract.

(8). seller's materials:

①.for the purchase of newly-built houses, provide the pre-sale permit of the off-plan housing or the production certificate of the existing house, the business license of the real estate developer, the copy of the id card of the legal representative and the payment account of the real estate developer or agent;

②.for the purchase of stock housing, provide a copy of the seller’s id card, a copy of the real estate certificate with the completion date (if there is no completion date on the real estate certificate, the original real estate registration certificate with the completion date issued by the real estate trading center) and class i debit card. if the seller is a company, provide an explanation of the agreement to sell the house and affix the official seal, a copy of the business license, a copy of the id card of the legal representative, and the company's collection account.

(9). for applicants whose parents (or children) participate in loans or undergo a verification review due to marital requirements, the applicant must provide proof of the relationship between the applicant and his parents (or children); the proof of relationship includes: household register, birth certificate, only child certificate , etc .proof of the relationship between the applicant and his parents (or children). if none of the above materials can be provided, the original notarization document that can prove the relationship between the two parties, the original and copy of the original household registration materials that can be obtained by the person (or a lawyer) that can prove the relationship, or the relevant documents issued by the file management department (usually the employee's unit) the file certificate and the official seal or the seal of the human resources department can be used as a proof of the relationship between the two parties.

(10).other materials.

5. people present:

(1).loan acceptance personnel: loan applicants, joint loan applicants, and co-owners of property rights.

(2).the persons present at the signing of the provident fund loan contract: the loan applicant and his spouse, the joint loan applicant and his spouse, the co-owner and his spouse, and the co-resident.

(3).if you are unable to be present, you need to provide an entrusted notary certificate issued by a notary public (the relevant entrusted matters should be specified in the notary certificate) and the original id of the trustee.

6. handling process:

loan appointment-loan acceptance (credit inquiry)-loan approval-signing provident fund loan contract-handling transfer and implementation of guarantee-bank loan.

7. processing time limit:

the loan application materials are complete, and the approval time limit shall not exceed 10 working days; if the loan issuance conditions are met, the loan time limit shall not exceed 5 working days after the loan is approved.
