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notice on launch of cyber-based appraisal activity for selection of “5th ccb cup top 100 best credit hpf paying enterprises of shanghai municipality”

notice on launch of cyber-based appraisal activity for selection of “5th ccb cup top 100 best credit hpf paying enterprises of shanghai municipality”

shgjj no. 31(2014)


to all trade unions of respective districts/county and bureaus (industries), all hpf paying units’ executive management and trade unions:

municipal provident fund management center and municipal trade union have determined to jointly launch the cyber-based appraisal activity for selection of “5th ccb cup top 100 best credit hpf paying enterprises of shanghai municipality” (hereinafter referred to as the “top 100 best credit paying enterprises” activity) in a bid to further implement the state council’s regulations on management of housing provident fund and provisions of shanghai municipality on administration of housing provident fund, foster a supportive environment of integrity and rectitude for housing provident fund payment, expand housing provident fund payment coverage and safeguard employees’ legitimate rights and interests. we hereby notify you of the following arrangements in this regard:

1. organizational structure

to ensure openness, fairness and justice of the promotional activity, relevant departments such as shanghai provident fund management center and shanghai trade union have formed an organizing committee to conduct the activity’s organization, publicity, appraisal and conferral, with spfmc’s management divisions in various districts/county (hereinafter referred to as management divisions) and district/county-level trade unions taking charge of processing relevant operational work within the district/county.

2. scope of and eligibility for application

all housing provident fund paying enterprises of the municipality are eligible for application access (excluding agencies and institutions for the time being). eligibility criteria:

 (1) possessed of unit qualifications for “credit paying enterprises”;

 (2) no unpaid past due housing provident fund account-payables;

 (3) calculating employees’ housing provident fund payment basis pursuant to regulations of the state statistics bureau on total amount of employees’ salaries, and making adequate housing provident fund payment;

 (4) handling housing provident fund services as per regulations (such as payment basis adjustment, individual account opening, transfer-in, transfer-out, blocking, suspending payment, unblocking, monthly payment, paying arrears, and withdrawal);

 (5) no breach of housing provident fund policies as checked and verified in wake of an employee’s lodging a grievance.

3. application methods

for application, please log onto shanghai housing provident fund website ( and click on the special column of the “top 100 best credit paying enterprises” activity. the application form and the appendix, signed and sealed by the unit’s executive management and trade union, and a duplicate of the latest month’s social insurance payment notice should be mailed to the corresponding district/county management division at the unit account’s location prior to 15th september 2014. for consultation, please call spf hotline 12329.

to apply for “top 100 best credit paying enterprise”, the unit should be possessed of qualifications for “credit paying enterprise” accredited since 2012 as the activity entered the stage of normalization of application and review process., otherwise the unit needs to apply for “credit paying enterprise” first to gain recognition of such qualifications before applying for “top 100 best credit paying enterprise”.

the unit’s executive management shall take the lead in the application process with the aid of the trade union.

4. appraisal measures

each district/county management division shall select 100 units (not exceeding the limit of 100 units) among the applicants for “top 100 best credit paying enterprises” as district level candidates, and recommend a list of the most outstanding units to compete for municipality-level “top 100 best credit paying enterprises”. trade unions of various bureaus (industries) may also nominate and submit a list of the outstanding enterprises of the system, and any honorary titles granted by the municipality level trade union system can be regarded as a significant reference for appraisal of “top 100 best credit paying enterprises”. the organizing committee shall shortlist them based on the nomination and select 150 units as candidates for municipality level “top 100 best credit paying enterprises”, to be disclosed on the website for public voting for 20 days. finally, the organizing committee shall determine the 100 (or so) municipality level “top 100 best credit paying enterprises”. the organizing committee shall grant the title of “credit paying model enterprise” to part of those units having gained the honorary title of municipality level “top 100 best credit paying enterprise(unit)” thrice.

public voting shall take place by way of casting online ballots via shanghai housing provident fund website and spf mobile app as per the following rules: each registered user of the provident fund website can only cast ballot(s) once by choosing one or multiple unit(s) without exceeding the limit of 100 units; and an employee may cast a veto against his or her unit (reasons may also be indicated). unregistered users of the website may submit their feedback and opinions on the shortlisted candidates to the website email box. shanghai trade union website has prepared relevant links for the voting. the organizing committee shall arrange lottery draw activities for voters in a bid to encourage participation in the online voting event, and disclose lucky draw results on the website.

to ensure openness, fairness, justice and quality of the appraisal, spf hotline 12329 shall undertake handling of complaints and grievances regarding the appraisal.

5. commendation and rewards

municipal provident fund management center and municipal trade union shall jointly hold a conferral and commendation meeting prior to the end of this year to award the “top 100 best credit paying enterprises” prize cups and honorary credentials, with the name list to be publicized on the public credit information platform of the municipality, and the corresponding provident fund handlers rewarded. in addition, excellent organizing awards are set for this activity for commendation of the remarkable contribution of district/county level bureaus’ (industries’) trade unions, ccb branches and provident fund management divisions.


shanghai provident fund management center 

shanghai trade union

26th june 2014
