notice on release of measures on implementation of hpf withdrawal of low-尊龙凯时人生就是博官网登录

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notice on release of measures on implementation of hpf withdrawal of low-income and impoverished families due to property service charges payment

notice on release of measures of shanghai municipality on implementation of housing provident fund withdrawal of low-income and impoverished families due to property service charges payment

shgjjg no. 9 (2014)

to municipal provident fund management center:

this is to issue measures of shanghai municipality on implementation of housing provident fund withdrawal of low-income and impoverished families due to property service charges payment, reviewed and approved by 43rd session of municipal housing provident fund management committee on 22 august 2014, for your implementation accordingly.


shanghai housing provident fund management committee

25 august 2014



measures of shanghai municipality on implementation of housing provident fund withdrawal of low-income and impoverished families due to property service charges payment

article 1 objectives and criteria

the measures has been instituted in accordance with relevant regulations such as regulations on housing provident fund administration of the state council and provisions of shanghai municipality on housing provident fund administration, in an effort to further improve functionality of housing provident fund systems and expand beneficiaries of housing provident fund to bolster housing consumption of the families of paying employees.

article 2 scope of application

the measures is applicable to administration of housing provident fund withdrawal of employees due to property service charges payment within the municipality.

article 3 management responsibility

shanghai provident fund management center (hereinafter referred to as spf center) shall be in charge of the management of housing provident fund withdrawal of employees due to property service charges payment, responsible for conducting implementation of the measures.

spf center’s management divisions in various districts/county (hereinafter referred to as the management divisions) shall be responsible for handling and review of housing provident fund withdrawal of employees due to property service charges payment.

ccb shanghai branch’s housing provident fund service outlets in various districts/county (hereinafter referred to as ccb’s hpf service outlets), entrusted by spf center, shall handle financial services such as fund withdrawal verification, payment and transfer.

article 4 withdrawal eligibility

any employee (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) corresponding to one of the following criteria is eligible for requesting withdrawal of hpf savings in the personal account for property service charges purpose.

(1) purchasers of joint-ownership security housing (affordable housing ratified by the government);

(2) families residing in self-owned housing with the applicant’s monthly salary being not higher than the per capita disposable income threshold for families (with a size of 3 or more people) eligible for joint-ownership security housing of the year in the municipality.

article 5 withdrawal cap

(1) under circumstances described in (1) of article 4, hpf withdrawal can be processed as per actual property service charges of the month;

(2) under circumstances described in (2) of article 4, hpf withdrawal shall be processed as per the monthly property service charges subject to the municipality’s monthly withdrawal cap of the year.

the monthly withdrawal cap shall be determined by municipal housing provident fund management committee in light of the employee income level and the property service charges market benchmark price of the municipality prior to release to the public.

article 6 co-withdrawal

co-withdrawal can be processed given that the applicant’s hpf savings in the account does not suffice so that the co-withdrawers (the designated account holders) authorizes the applicant in written form to withdraw hpf savings in their respective accounts.

co-withdrawers must be the applicant’s spouse, parents or children.

article 7 miscellaneous

housing provident fund withdrawal due to property service charges payment shall conform to the following requirements apart from what’s specified in article 4 of the measures: 

(1) the applicant and the co-withdrawer(s) have made housing provident fund payment for six months in total at the least;

(2) the applicant and the co-withdrawer(s) currently have no housing provident fund loans, no housing provident fund withdrawal entrusted for repayment of home loans or for property service charges payment.

(3) provided that the applicant owns two or more sets of apartments, housing provident fund withdrawals can be used for property service charges payment for only one set of the apartments;

article 8 supporting documents for withdrawals

following supporting documents are required for application for housing provident fund withdrawal due to property service charges payment:

(1) the applicant’s own identity credential;

(2) where applicable, identity credential(s), relationship testimonial(s), written consent(s) of the co-withdrawer(s) and the like are required;

(3) where the situation described in (1) under article 4 of the measures arises, valid home purchase contract, property ownership certificate acknowledged by the housing security authority and the like should be submitted;

(4) where the situation described in (2) under article 4 of the measures arises, property ownership certificate, tax control invoice and the like should be submitted.

article 9 withdrawal procedures

eligible applicants may submit applications to their respective district management divisions either at the location of the application or at the location of the property, together with relevant supporting documents as required.

the management divisions shall determine the approval or disapproval of the withdrawal applications and notify the applicants within three workdays from the date of application receival.

article 10 means of withdrawals

property service charges payment oriented hpf withdrawals shall be processed by account transfer mainly through the consolidated property service charges payment platform of the municipality by the applicant’s entrusting spf center to process deduction process via the property service charges payment platform.

those applicants having paid the property service charges in cash in advance may proceed to handle hpf withdrawal thereof afterwards by submitting the tax control invoice provided by the property service corporation.

article 11 withdrawal time limit

those applicants withdrawing hpf via property service charges payment platform of the municipality may entrust spf center once a year to process hpf deduction for property service charnges payment on a monthly or quarterly basis.

article 12 investigation and approval review

the applicant shall be liable for truthfully providing supporting documents and receiving investigation, verification and approval review of the handling agency.

the handling agency has the right to conduct investigation, verification and approval review of the supporting documents and relevant reports submitted by the applicant.

article 14 rules on penalty

as for anyone who withdraws housing provident fund savings by deception from his or her own account or someone else’in breach of relevant regulations, spf center shall order the return of the fund withdrawn illegally, and impose penalties accordingly. those who have withdrawn housing provident fund from their own accounts by deception shall be fined 10% to 50% of the fund withdrawn illegally. those who have withdrawn housing provident fund from any other employees’accounts shall be fined 100% to 500% of the fund withdrawn illegally. such wrongdoings shall be recorded in the personal credit consulting system of shanghai municipality.

article 15 interpreting

spf center is the authorized agency for interpretation of the measures.

article 16 enforcement

the measures shall be effective as of 1st october 2014 for five years. hence, implementation measures on housing provident fund withdrawal of low-income impoverished employee families of shanghai municipality for property service charges payment (spfmc no. 2 <2012>), reviewed and approved by 33rd plenary session of shanghai housing provident fund management committee on 30 march 2012, shall be abrogated.
