notice of ministry of housing & urban-rural development, ministry of finance, and people’s bank of china on issuance of 2015 national hpf annual report
to all provincial and automous regions’ housing & urban-rural development departments and finance departments, people’s bank of china’s shanghai headquarter, various branches and operational management divisions, provincial and sub-provincial city level general sub-branches, housing provident fund management committees of all directly governed municipalities and xinjiang production and construction corps, housing provident fund management centers:
we hereby issue to you the 2015 national housing provident fund annual report (hereinafter referred to as report). the report shall also be posted on the websites of ministry of housing & urban-rural development, ministry of finance and people’s bank of china.
ministry of housing & urban-rural development
ministry of finance
people’s bank of china
may 2016
2015 national housing provident fund annual report[1]
to build an open and normative housing provident fund system and safeguard the right of paying units and employees to know and supervise, we hereby issue the 2015 national housing provident fund annual report as follows in accordance with the state council’s regulations on management of housing provident fund and the provisions specified in notice of mohurd, mof and pboc on improving housing provident fund information disclosure system (jj no. 26-2015).
1. institutional profile
(1) as specified in the state council’s regulations on management of housing provident fund, ministry of housing & urban-rural development is responsible for drawing up housing provident fund policies jointly with ministry of finance and the people’s bank of china, and supervising their implementation. the housing and urban-rural development department at provincial or autonomous region level is responsible for supervising implementation of housing provident fund management policies and regulations jointly with the finance department and the branch of the people’s bank of china within the corresponding administrative region. ministry of housing & urban-rural development has its housing provident fund surveillance department, and the housing and urban-rural development departments at various provinces and autonomous regions have their housing provident fund surveillance divisions (or offices). the full-time hpf supervisory staff at both the ministry and provincial levels aggregated 135 by the end of 2015.
(2) housing provident fund management committees were established in municipalities directly under the central government, cities where the people’s government of a province or an autonomous region is located, and cities (prefectures, autonomous prefectures or leagues) with subordinate districts. housing provident fund management committee is the decision-making organ of the housing provident fund administration in a city, responsible for formulating and adjusting concrete regulatory measures on housing provident fund and supervising enforcement operations thereof, reviewing housing provident fund payment and use plans and execution reports for approval, deliberating issues such as schemes on allocation of housing provident fund value-added proceeds. the housing provident fund management committee is constituted of responsible persons from the people’s government and relevant departments such as housing and urban-rural development, finance and the people’s bank of china, and relevant experts, trade union representatives, staff representatives and organization representatives. there were 342 housing provident fund management committees across the country by the end of 2015.
(3) each municipality or city where the people’s government of a province or an autonomous region is located, or city with subordinate districts, has one housing provident fund management center. a housing provident fund management center is an independent institution directly under the people’s government of a ctiy, responsible for housing provident fund management and operation.
as of the end of 2015, there were 342 housing provident fund management centers in the whole country. altogether 102 housing provident fund management centers completed the public institution classification reforms, including 88 centers classified as category a public service units and 14 centers as category b public service units. the remaining 240 housing provident fund management centers were yet to complete the public institution classification reforms, including 116 government institutions tantamount to functionaries in terms of management, and 124 general public institutions. a total of 175 sub-centers had not yet been integrated into the consolidated management of the cities comprising subordinate districts, including 24 sub centers directly under provincial governance, and 68 sub centers in counties (or cities, districts), 83 sub centers for industries of such sectors as petroleum, electric power and coal. the staffers of the nation’s housing provident fund administrative organs totaled 39,400, including 26,100 registered staffers and 13,300 unregistered staffers.
(4) in accordance with the regulations of the people’s bank, the housing provident fund management committee charges a commercial bank (or commercial banks) with housing provident fund financial services handling. the housing provident fund management center, by means of signing the commissioning agreement, entrusts a commissioned bank(s) with financial services such as housing provident fund account registration, payment and repayment processing as well as housing provident fund loans handling and account settlement. currently, the commissioned commercial banks are mainly comprised of commercial banks such as industrial and commercial bank of china, agricultural bank of china, bank of china, china construction bank and china bank of communications.
2. service operational status
(1) payment: according to regulations on management of housing provident fund and relevant policies, both the entity and the employee should make housing provident fund payment on a monthly basis at a rate not less than 5% and not higher than 12% of the employee’s average monthly salary of the previous calendar year. the monthly housing provident fund payment base, in principle, should not exceed twice or three times the employee’s average monthly salary of the previous year publicized by the statistical authority of the city with subordinate districts where the employee is working. the housing provident fund contributed by both the entity and the employee is the employee’s own property. the housing provident fund management center calculates and pays the interest to paying employees per the rate prescribed by the people’s bank.
the year’s actual housing provident fund paying entities recorded 2.3135 million, and the actual paying employees hit 123.9331 million, up 14.05%, with a net increase of 248,500, and 9.19%, with a net increase of 5.1592 million, respectively from the previous year.
the annual housing provident fund payment amount totaled 1.454946 trillion yuan, up 12.29% from the previous year. the year-end payment amount aggregated 8.949036 trillion yuan, and the payment balance totaled 4.067472 trillion yuan, up 19.56% and 9.79% respectively from the end of the previous year.
table 1: figures of housing provident fund payment
region | paying ent (10,000) | paying emp (10,000) | annual payment (100 mil. yuan) | total payment (100 mil. yuan) | payment balance (100 mil. yuan) |
nation | 231.35 | 12393.31 | 14549.46 | 89490.36 | 40674.72 |
beijing | 11.81 | 651.58 | 1297.39 | 7902.51 | 2899.75 |
tianjin | 4.58 | 238.62 | 394.00 | 2634.29 | 1097.22 |
hebei | 5.83 | 497.53 | 444.66 | 2814.86 | 1353.46 |
shanxi | 4.66 | 402.84 | 247.10 | 1739.69 | 600.63 |
inner mongolia | 3.51 | 193.56 | 288.50 | 1668.76 | 989.88 |
liaoning | 8.05 | 476.41 | 632.05 | 4315.38 | 1899.00 |
jilin | 3.38 | 231.56 | 237.75 | 1592.84 | 829.43 |
heilongjiang | 3.60 | 279.58 | 304.04 | 2109.88 | 1023.94 |
shanghai | 26.99 | 714.36 | 880.96 | 6096.56 | 2822.57 |
jiangsu | 29.97 | 1014.04 | 1160.09 | 7034.49 | 3042.27 |
zhejiang | 15.44 | 564.30 | 887.40 | 5762.00 | 2345.70 |
anhui | 5.22 | 357.99 | 519.91 | 3098.92 | 1307.63 |
fujian | 8.37 | 326.22 | 407.27 | 2543.63 | 1095.38 |
jiangxi | 4.14 | 233.30 | 248.73 | 1321.81 | 769.80 |
shandong | 10.67 | 849.59 | 814.55 | 4900.80 | 2528.61 |
henan | 6.63 | 637.07 | 450.54 | 2751.05 | 1445.54 |
hubei | 6.27 | 436.00 | 470.52 | 2797.06 | 1546.08 |
hunan | 6.30 | 444.18 | 379.15 | 2205.69 | 1212.94 |
guangdong | 26.24 | 1361.54 | 1612.97 | 9162.53 | 3637.73 |
guangxi | 4.83 | 252.79 | 287.64 | 1788.04 | 786.57 |
hainan | 1.94 | 87.89 | 94.32 | 491.00 | 273.49 |
chongqing | 2.82 | 230.28 | 267.39 | 1455.95 | 667.86 |
sichuan | 9.06 | 546.28 | 655.02 | 3771.08 | 1821.75 |
guizhou | 3.33 | 210.18 | 217.00 | 1105.87 | 605.63 |
yunnnan | 4.58 | 262.57 | 322.19 | 2109.03 | 1010.84 |
xizang(tibet) | 0.36 | 24.00 | 52.80 | 261.00 | 151.00 |
shaanxi | 4.81 | 390.86 | 331.59 | 2016.51 | 889.09 |
gansu | 2.98 | 187.18 | 193.71 | 1208.22 | 705.95 |
qinghai | 0.82 | 43.47 | 71.43 | 476.23 | 240.76 |
ningxia | 0.85 | 54.50 | 78.29 | 508.46 | 226.06 |
xinjiang | 2.92 | 169.47 | 272.83 | 1700.81 | 764.11 |
construction corps | 0.39 | 23.57 | 27.67 | 145.41 | 84.05 |
during the 12th five-year period, housing provident fund payment amount totaled 5.697051 trillion yuan, with an annual growth rate of 15.74%. the payment balance as of end of the term jumped 129.63% in comparison with the 11th five-year term.
chart 1: annual hpf payment during 12th five-year period (in trillion yuan)
(2) withdrawal: as per regulations on management of housing provident fund, a paying employee is entitled to withdraw housing provident fund in the personal account under the situations such as buying, building, renovating or rebuilding a home, repaying a home loan, and renting a home. a paying employee is entitled to withdraw all the housing provident fund in the personal account and deregister the account under the situations such as retirement or honourary retirement, terminating labour relationship with the entity due to total loss of earning capacity, going overseas to reside abroad, death or declared death.
annual housing provident fund withdrawals recorded 1.098747 trillion yuan, a 44.92% increase over the previous year, accounting for 75.52% of the annual payment amount, up 17 percentage points from the previous year. total witthdrawal amount hit 4.881564 trillion yuan, equivalent to 54.55% of the total payment amount.
housing provident fund withdrawal amount of the 12th five-year period recorded 3.405953 trillion yuan, with an annual growth rate of 29.32%.
chart 2: annual hpf withdrawals of the 12th five-year period (in trillion yuan)
(3) hpf loans
1) home loans: as per regulations on management of housing provident fund, a paying employee is entitled to apply for a housing provident fund home loan for buying, building, renovating or rebuilding a home. the housing provident fund loan cap and the specific loan criteria are determined by the housing provident fund management committee of the corresponding city with subordinate districts, and the pertinent loan interest rates are adopted as per the regulations of the people’s bank.
altogether 3.125 million housing provident fund home loans, equivalent to 1.108263 trillion yuan, were lent out in the year, up 40.44% and 68.10% respectively from the previous year, and the annual collecting on housing provident fund home loans recorded 381.002 billion yuan, up 36.71% from the previous year. by end of the year, a cumulative total of 24.9933 million home loans, equivalent to 5.334974 trillion yuan, had been lent out, up 14.34% and 26.29% respectively from the end of the previous year, with a home loan balance at 3.286455 trillion yuan. the home loan percentage was 80.80% [2], up 11.91 percentage points from the end of the previous year.
table 2: an illustration of hpf home loans
region | loans issued in the year (10,000) | amount issued in the year (100 million yuan) | cumulative loans issued (10,000) | cumulative amount issued (100 million yuan) | loan balance (100 million yuan) | home loan percentage(%) |
nation | 312.50 | 11082.63 | 2499.33 | 53349.74 | 32864.55 | 80.80 |
beijing | 10.14 | 848.86 | 85.55 | 3918.13 | 2491.69 | 85.93 |
tianjin | 10.60 | 495.50 | 80.74 | 2177.60 | 1113.28 | 101.46 |
hebei | 10.60 | 304.28 | 74.88 | 1474.00 | 1001.90 | 74.03 |
shanxi | 6.12 | 169.14 | 36.35 | 560.40 | 364.10 | 60.62 |
inner mongolia | 8.08 | 229.35 | 79.63 | 1141.26 | 609.94 | 61.62 |
liaoning | 15.88 | 470.72 | 131.97 | 2553.08 | 1560.89 | 82.20 |
jilin | 6.08 | 176.54 | 50.15 | 905.26 | 592.66 | 71.45 |
heilongjiang | 6.51 | 187.55 | 65.11 | 1129.32 | 611.06 | 59.68 |
shanghai | 19.96 | 1192.87 | 215.50 | 5288.23 | 2770.08 | 98.14 |
jiangsu | 27.70 | 972.09 | 229.88 | 5205.67 | 3010.90 | 98.97 |
zhejiang | 14.60 | 665.00 | 136.70 | 3747.60 | 2233.30 | 95.20 |
anhui | 12.94 | 376.88 | 92.72 | 1760.36 | 1175.15 | 89.87 |
fujian | 7.61 | 315.10 | 76.77 | 1690.17 | 1062.59 | 97.01 |
jiangxi | 8.54 | 298.83 | 53.01 | 999.85 | 664.45 | 86.31 |
shandong | 17.37 | 506.95 | 142.98 | 2825.31 | 1776.47 | 70.25 |
henan | 14.84 | 407.43 | 83.26 | 1583.73 | 1101.36 | 76.19 |
hubei | 13.38 | 407.59 | 90.65 | 1866.93 | 1220.36 | 79.00 |
hunan | 11.22 | 309.42 | 91.40 | 1480.87 | 953.54 | 78.61 |
guangdong | 19.18 | 756.80 | 126.70 | 3744.51 | 2575.23 | 70.79 |
guangxi | 6.43 | 166.12 | 48.31 | 844.08 | 576.77 | 73.33 |
hainan | 1.89 | 58.44 | 11.25 | 249.13 | 197.22 | 72.11 |
chongqing | 3.21 | 102.07 | 36.21 | 808.39 | 591.38 | 88.55 |
sichuan | 17.47 | 521.86 | 104.25 | 2064.72 | 1456.36 | 80.70 |
guizhou | 7.68 | 203.56 | 45.32 | 818.31 | 580.82 | 95.90 |
yunnan | 8.34 | 250.01 | 92.12 | 1358.34 | 735.86 | 72.80 |
xizang(tibet) | 0.80 | 32.80 | 4.90 | 118.30 | 64.50 | 42.70 |
shaanxi | 7.01 | 186.57 | 47.40 | 793.54 | 538.39 | 60.55 |
gansu | 6.67 | 183.34 | 53.72 | 673.82 | 407.33 | 57.70 |
qinghai | 1.44 | 39.78 | 19.47 | 250.21 | 99.80 | 41.45 |
ningxia | 1.96 | 54.96 | 20.59 | 319.13 | 146.38 | 64.75 |
xinjiang | 7.87 | 183.35 | 68.09 | 951.94 | 556.33 | 72.81 |
construction corps | 0.38 | 8.87 | 3.75 | 47.55 | 24.46 | 29.10 |

2) housing provident fund project loans in support of security housing construction: as per working instructions on pilot projects of hpf loans in support of security housing construction (jj no. 160-2009) jointly issued by the seven ministries and commission (including ministry of housing & urban-rural construction and ministry of finance) after endorsed by ministry of housing & urban-rural construction, together with ministry of finance and the people’s bank, there are 87 project loan pilot cities across the country. by the end of 2015, there were 392 pilot projects, with a planned loan amount of 110.753 billion yuan.
the year’s housing provident fund loans issued for pilot projects recorded 6.55 billion yuan, comprising 1.561 billion yuan worth of loans for affordable housing, 1.697 billion yuan worth of loans for relocation housing projects for shanty town area’s reconstruction, and 3.292 billion yuan worth of loans for public rental housing. the project loan principals payables was 11.864 billion yuan, and the actual collections amounted to 20.456 billion yuan.
as of end of 2015, the cumulative loans issued for pilot projects recorded 84.129 billion yuan, comprising 22.592 billion yuan worth of loans for affordable housing, 33.104 billion yuan worth of loans for relocation projects for shanty areas’ reconstruction, and 28.433 billion yuan worth of loans for public rental housing. the cumulative project loan principals collected reached 53.086 billion yuan, with a project loan balance of 31.044 billion yuan. the loan principals and interests of 175 pilot projects had been paid off.
table 3: an illustration of hpf loans on pilot projectsregion | number of pilot projects | annual amount of loans issued(100 million yuan) | annual amount collected (100 million yuan) | cumulativeamount of loans issued (100 million yuan) | cumulative amount collected (100 million yuan) | loan balance (100 million yuan) |
nation | 392 | 65.50 | 204.56 | 841.29 | 530.86 | 310.44 |
beijing | 34 | 13.65 | 44.96 | 181.02 | 78.42 | 102.60 |
tianjin | 7 | 0.60 | 12.62 | 24.79 | 24.79 | 0 |
hebei | 20 | 1.70 | 4.40 | 30.40 | 17.50 | 12.90 |
shanxi | 10 | 0.70 | 2.50 | 9.03 | 6.83 | 2.20 |
inner mongolia | 9 | 0.10 | 2.85 | 13.22 | 8.02 | 5.20 |
liaoning | 8 | 1.20 | 0.51 | 31.98 | 14.22 | 17.76 |
jilin | 12 | 1.00 | 1.49 | 15.60 | 13.17 | 2.43 |
heilongjiang | 5 | 4.04 | 9.02 | 50.18 | 42.02 | 8.16 |
shanghai | 20 | 4.07 | 52.44 | 92.61 | 85.30 | 7.31 |
jiangsu | 4 | 0.67 | 3.47 | 10.59 | 6.72 | 3.87 |
zhejiang | 10 | 0 | 2.30 | 14.92 | 14.92 | 0 |
anhui | 23 | 2.72 | 9.77 | 37.62 | 25.57 | 12.06 |
fujian | 4 | 0 | 4.60 | 8.75 | 8.75 | 0 |
jiangxi | 6 | 1.65 | 2.21 | 6.41 | 2.54 | 3.87 |
shandong | 24 | 0.49 | 2.95 | 23.1 | 20.72 | 2.38 |
henan | 13 | 2.05 | 2.03 | 10.58 | 8.62 | 1.96 |
hubei | 4 | 2.10 | 3.19 | 7.30 | 6.92 | 0.38 |
hunan | 16 | 4.95 | 7.40 | 26.34 | 10.04 | 16.30 |
guangdong | 5 | 0 | 0.05 | 3.55 | 0.10 | 3.45 |
guangxi | 4 | 0.20 | 2.11 | 2.26 | 2.11 | 0.15 |
hainan | 3 | 0 | 0.30 | 3.74 | 3.35 | 0.39 |
chongqing | 4 | 0 | 5.00 | 30.00 | 24.00 | 6.00 |
sichuan | 38 | 1.20 | 4.56 | 32.69 | 18.82 | 13.87 |
guizhou | 14 | 0 | 3.69 | 14.32 | 4.80 | 9.52 |
yunnan | 3 | 0 | 0.08 | 7.46 | 4.59 | 2.87 |
xizang(tibet) | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— |
shaanxi | 31 | 18.55 | 10.95 | 79.75 | 33.20 | 46.55 |
gansu | 17 | 1.40 | 2.77 | 14.28 | 8.79 | 5.49 |
qinghai | 4 | 0 | 0.73 | 2.07 | 1.24 | 0.83 |
ningxia | 7 | 0 | 0 | 8.74 | 4.44 | 4.30 |
xinjiang | 32 | 2.46 | 5.61 | 44.05 | 30.35 | 13.70 |
construction corps | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3.94 | 0 | 3.94 |
(4) national debt: as per regulations on management of housing provident fund, a housing provident fund management center, with the approval of the housing provident fund management committee in a city comprising subordinate districts, is entitled to use the housing provident fund to buy national debt on the premise of ensured withdrawal and loan oriented use as a priority. the year-end balance of the national debt registered 4.277 billion yuan, down 609 million yuan from the end of the previous year.
3. service revenues and expenses, and value-added proceeds
(1) service revenues: the annual housing provident fund service revenues totaled 159.836 billion yuan, up 6.79% from the previous year, comprising the deposit interest income of 38.823 billion yuan, the commissioned loan interest income of 120.212 billion yuan, the national debt interest income of 209 million yuan and miscellaneous income (such as interests on past due loans, and fines due to failure to make housing provident fund payment by the due date) of 592 million yuan.
(2) service expenses: the annual housing provident fund service expenses totaled 52.334 billion yuan, down 36.16% from the previous year, comprising the interest payment of 43.429 billion yuan to paying employees, the collection fee of 2.124 billion yuan, the loan service commission expense of 5.064 billion yuan and miscellaneous expenses (such as expenses for interest discount on loans, guarantee fees) of 1.717 billion yuan.
(3) value-added proceeds: housing provident fund value-added proceeds results from subtraction of the housing provident fund service expenses from the housing provident fund service income. the annual value-added proceeds totaled 107.502 billion yuan, up 58.79% from the previous year.
(4) allocation of value-added proceeds: housing provident fund value-added proceeds, as per regulations on management of housing provident fund, shall be used to establish risk reserve funds for housing provident fund loans, and as administrative expenses of the housing provident fund management center and supplemental funds for constructing urban public rental housing (low-rent housing). risk reserve funds is established for ratification at a rate not lower than 60% of the housing provident fund value-added proceeds, or not lower than 1% of the annual housing provident fund loan balance. as required, a city embarking on a security housing oriented hpf pilot project should withdraw an accrued loan risk reserve fund tantamount to 4% of the year-end project loan balance.
the annual apportionment of the housing provident fund loan risk reserve funds recorded 33.92 billion yuan, the administrative expenses 10.724 billion yuan, and the supplemental funds for constructing urban public rental housing (low-rent housing) 61.808 billion yuan. the year’s value-added proceeds pending distribution recorded 1.05 billion yuan. as of the end of the year, the cumulative withdrawal of hpf loan risk reserve fund reached 126.164 billion yuan, and the cumulative withdrawal of supplemental funds for constructing urban public rental housing (low-rent housing) 180.454 billion yuan.
(5) disbursement of administrative expenses: administrative expenses are the expenses disbursed by provident fund centers in various regions to ensure housing provident fund management and operation in accordance with the regulations, and are comprised of personnel expenditure, public expenditure and special expenditure. the disbursement of the annual administrative expenses recorded 8.009 billion yuan, up 12.83% from the previous year, with personnel expenditure at 3.566 billion yuan, public expenditure 1.14 billion yuan and special expenditure 3.303 billion yuan, accounting for 44.53%, 14.23% and 41.24% respectively, indicating a per capita increase of 13.72%, -4.51% and -0.25% respectively.
4. asset risks
(1) personal home loans: the default mortgage loans recorded 404 million yuan, with a delinquency rate of 0.01%, approximately at the same level as the end of the previous year. the annual use of the personal home loan risk reserve fund for stagnant or bad debt write-off registered 97 million yuan. the year-end home loan risk reserve fund balance was 124.012 billion yuan, accounting for 3.77% of the personal home loan balance. the percentage of the default mortgage home loan amount to the personal home loan risk reserve fund balance was 0.33%.
(2) pilot project loans: the default pilot project loans recorded 238 million yuan, with a delinquency rate of 0.77%. no project loan risk reserve fund was used for stagnant or bad debt write-off in the year. the year-end project loan risk reserve fund balance recorded 1.937 billion yuan, accounting for 6.24% of the pilot project loan balance. the percentage of the default project loan amount to the project loan risk reserve fund balance was 12.29%.
(3) risk assets left over by history: risk assets left over by history refers to the uncollectible overdue receivables of housing provident fund principals and interests in the occurrence of project loans, national debt purchase, or unauthorized misappropriation or diversion by certain local governments as a result of the deficiency of the system and management in the initial stage of the housing provident fund system development.
annual collections of risk assets left over by history recorded 531 million yuan. as of end of 2015, the nation’s housing provident fund risk assets left over by history amounted to 193 million yuan. including 38 million yuan worth of left-over past-due project loans and misappropriated/diverted fund, and 155 million yuan worth of left-over overdue national debt.
table 4: a list of risk assets left over by history (unit: 10,000 yuan)
region | city | project loans & misappropriated/diverted funds | overdue national debt | subtotal | total |
liaoning | fushun | 1480.16 | —— | 1480.16 | 6348.04 |
directly under provincial governance | —— | 4552.80 | 4552.80 | ||
liaoyang | —— | 315.08 | 315.08 | ||
yunnan | lijiang | —— | 5794.96 | 5794.96 | 5794.96 |
shandong | jinan | —— | 4537.22 | 4537.22 | 4537.22 |
jiangsu | xuzhou | 2018.58 | —— | 2018.58 | 2018.58 |
hebei | baoding | —— | 327.59 | 327.59 | 327.59 |
guangxi | hezhou | 209.09 | —— | 209.09 | 209.09 |
shaanxi | directly under provincial governance | 107.86 | —— | 107.86 | 107.86 |
total | 3815.69 | 15527.65 | 19343.34 | 19343.34 |
5. social and economic benefit
(1) payment coverage further expanded, and average payment amount climbed. the annual net increase of paying entities recorded 248,500, with actual paying employees at 5.1592 million. the annual average payment amount was 11,700 yuan, up 7.34% from the previous year.
in terms of entity types, employees of state organs and institutions accounted for 35.06%, employees of state-owned enterprises 25.10%, employees of urban collective enterprises 3.77%, employees of foreign-invested enterprises 7.82%, employees of private enterprises and other enterprises in urban areas 19.07%, private non-enterprise entities and associations 1.64%, and miscellaneous 7.54%.
chart 4: proportion of paying employees by entity type
in terms of income levels, low-income employees accounted for 49.81%, medium level income employees 44.12%, and high level income employees 6.07%[5].
chart 5: proportion of paying employees by income level
(2)efforts were made to bolster employees’housing consumption so as to alleviate their housing cost burden. the annual housing consumption oriented withdrawal amounted to 912.29 billion yuan, accounting for 62.70% of the annual payment amount and 83.03% of the annual withdrawal amount, up 4.18 and 7.66 percentage points respectively from the previous year, comprising 46.57% for purchase, construction, rebuilding and major overhaul of homes, 43.67% for repayment of home purchase loans, 3.66% for rental housing, 6.10% for miscellaneous(such as withdrawal due to property service charges payment).
chart 6: proportion of withdrawals
home loans issued in the year recorded 1.108263 trillion yuan, with an average housing provident fund loan worth 354,600 yuan, up 58,300 yuan from the previous year. of these loanees, low-incomers accounted for 36.61%, medium level incomers 57.43%, and high level incomers 5.96%. the interest rates for the housing provident fund home loans issued for the term of five or less than five years and the term of over five years were 2 and 1.65 percentage points lower than the respective benchmark interest rates on commercial bank loans, resulting in a saving of the home purchase loans applicants’ interest expenses by 209.792 billion yuan, namely, a saving of interest expenses by 67,100 yuan for each family.
chart 7: proportion of loanees by income level
(3) surplus fund was unleashed to boost steady and healthy development of the property market. annual housing consumption oriented withdrawals and home lending amounted to 2.020553 trillion yuan, shoring up employees’ purchase and construction of homes with a total area of approximately 340 million square meters, namely, about one third of the annual transactions of commercial residential quarters in terms of areas, comprising 31.68% for homes 90 or less than 90 square meters, 58.30% for homes between 90 and 144 (incl.) square meters, and 10.02% for homes over 144 square meters. newly built homes accounted for 75.67%, and second-hand homes 24.33%. the year-end home loan market share reached 22.7% [8], up 3.48 percentage points from the previous year. the percentage of the sum of annual home loan amount, project loan amount and housing consumption oriented withdrawal amount to annual payment amount was 139.32%.
chart 8: proportion of purchased homes by area & type
(4) measures were taken to bolster security housing construction in a bid to expand social benefit of housing provident fund.housing provident fund loans, covering 42.67% of the total investment of the projects, were issued for 369 security housing projects, to benefit about 1.1 million needy families for housing solution, with a total area of 69.8579 million square meters. comprising 21.152 million square meters for 121 affordable housing projects, 28.843 million square meters for 133 relocation housing projects for shanty town area’s reconstruction, and 19.8629 square meters for 115 public rental housing projects.
6. other major issues
(1) went all out to push ahead with amendment of the regulations.mohurd expedited amendment of the regulations in alignment with the deployment and direction of the central government, and submitted the amended regulations to the state council for review prior to the end of september. the amended regulations (draft version) laid a foundation for safeguarding paying employees’ legitimate rights and interests, with the aim to better support paying employees for housing solutions, and improve the housing provident fund system with regard to such ten aspects as enaction of policies for standardized payment, streamlining of decision-making mechanism, standardizing organizational structure, relaxing eligibility criteria for housing provident fund withdrawal, maintaining and increasing liquidity of the fund, advancing development for preserving and growing value of housing provident fund, enhancing security for prevention of risks, upgrading service standards, enhancing supervision and inspection and improving law enforcement measures. in november, the legislative affairs office of the state council carried out a public opinion polling to gauge the overall strength of support for the draft version of the amended regulations for review.
(2) adjusted policies for housing provident fund withdrawal and use.closing in on the overall objectives of ensuring growth, promoting reform, making structural adjustment and improving people’s well-being, mohurd, mof and pboc issued five official documents for implementation of pertinent policies, including notice on easing criteria on rent oriented hpf withdrawal, notice on relevant issues concerning personal home loan policies, notice on adjustments to down payment levels for housing provident fund home purchase loans, notice on operational issues regarding nonlocal housing provident fund home loans, and notice on on practically increasing hpf use efficiency, to raise limit for rent payment oriented withdrawals, reduce the down payment required for loans for purchase of first homes and second-hand homes, comprehensively promote offsite lending (i.e. hpf lending in a city other than an employee’s workplace location for home purchase of the said employee), and appropriately raise the loan caps. mohurd convened four nationwide teleconferences, emphasized on adequate and good use of housing provident fund, and organized and conducted ad-hoc inspections. greater efforts were made in various regions to expedite unleashing the surplus fund, so that fund use efficiency was greatly improved in a move to make a positive contribution to stabilizing the housing market.
(3) lowered the interest rates on home loans: pboc cut interest rates on rmb deposits and loans five times, on march 1, may 11, june 28, august 26 and october 24, respectively. the interest rates on housing provident fund deposits were changed accordingly. the interest rates on housing provident fund loans were lowered four times, and yet for the fifth adjustment they remained unchanged. following the adjustment effective as of october 24, deposit interest rate for personal housing provident fund collected in the fiscal year was 0.35%, and deposit interest rate for personal housing provident fund balance carried forward from previous fiscal year turned to be 1.10%. the interest rate on housing provident fund home loans for five years or below was 2.75%, and the interest rate on housing provident fund home loans over 5 years was 3.25%. the successive hpf loan interest rate cuts resulted in reduction of the cost for the paying employee’ buying a home and thus boosted housing consumption of paying employees.
(4) raised interest rates on savings of personal improve the housing provident fund system and safeguard paying employees’ rights and interests, pboc and mohurd submitted to the state council the request for bettering hpf personal account deposit interest rate formation mechanism in december of 2015. in february 2016, notice of the people’s bank of china, ministry of housing & urban-rural development and ministry of finance on bettering housing provident fund personal account deposit interest rate formation mechanism (bi no. 43-2016) was released after approval by the state council, with adjustments made to housing provident fund personal account deposit interest rate(s), so that the current collection time based dual rates, tantamount to the prevailing demand deposit rate and three-month time deposit benchmark rate respectively, shall be replaced as of 21 february 2016 by the unified rate equivalent to the prevailing one-year time deposit benchmark rate for interest calculation. the adjustment resulted in a 0.4 percentage point increase in the average interest rate on deposits of employees’ housing provident fund accounts, namely, an increase up to 16 billion yuan in annual interest income for the employees based on the 2015 year-end housing provident fund payment balance.
(5) adjusted policies for pilot projects oriented lending:mohurd, together with mof and pboc, made adjustments to policies pertaining to hpf loans in support of security housing oriented pilot projects. as of 1 january 2016, those pilot cities that had not released project loans should not issue hpf project loans any more; those cities having proceeded with pilot projects with certain pilot projects pending loan issuance should neither issue hpf loans any more in principle nor adjust or add any pilot projects. as for the pilot project loans already issued and not paid off yet, relevant authorities should see to the appropriate arrangements so as to ensure timely loan repayment.
(6) pushed ahead with the information technology development: mohurd organized and compiled technical specifications for housing provident fund system, and guiding rules for housing provident fund information technology development. measures were taken to expedite the advancement of implementation of norms on housing provident fund essential data, promote the data application system for housing provident fund bank settlement and increase risk prevention and control capability. by end of 2015, 18 cities’ housing provident fund management centers had completed implementation of the standards and established connectivity so as to meet the requirements for real-time and synchronous operability of the three accounts relating to the fund, services and financial management of the housing provident fund management centers. to be aligned with the nationwide “internet plus” action plans, initial steps were taken for development of the housing provident fund’s all-in-one comprehensive service platform with functions such as service hotline 12329, sms, wechat, weibo, mobile app, cyberspace service center and self-service terminals, in a bid to further improve housing provident fund management and service standards.
(7) improved the statistical system:mohurd released management measures on housing provident fund statistics for accurate and timely disclosure of information about status of housing provident fund service operation, revised housing provident fund statistical reporting system after approval by national bureau of statistics, and developed the housing provident fund statistical information system. management measures on housing provident fund statistics elaborates on the expanded duties of the statistical jobs, working principles and job responsibilities, improved the statistical indicator system, and further enhanced supervision over and administration of the statistical work.
(8) perfected the information disclosure system: mohurd, mof and pboc jointly issued notice on perfecting housing provident fund information disclosure system, ramped up efforts in housing provident fund information disclosure, and organized and conducted industry-wide information disclosure training. all cities comprised of districts, all provinces (autonomous regions) and the nation released the 2014 annual housing provident fund report before end of march, april and may, respectively, and thus increased transparency in housing provident fund management, marking a positive step towards goals of setting up an open and standardized housing provident fund system as well as ensuring public disclosure of objective information about housing provident fund management and operation.
as 2016 embraces the opening of the 13th five-year plan for development, housing provident fund is gearing up for making a positive contribution to achievements of boosting consumption, reducing inventory, ensuring growth and improving people’s well-being to accommodate the wide range of decisions and deployments made by the cpc central committee and the state council, comprising measures such as implementation of policies on hpf withdrawal and use for unleashing surplus fund to bolster housing consumption and assist in paying employees’ housing improvement, making full use of the “internet plus” technology to expedite development of the consolidated nationwide platform with hpf account transfer and connection interoperability, and ramp up efforts in development of housing provident fund’s comprehensive service platform for delivery of quality and efficient services to paying entities and employees, tightening grip on implementation of responsibility system for construction of clean government with reinforced preventive measures for control of risks to ensure security of housing provident fund; and further improving information disclosure to increase transparency in managemnt, proactively accept public oversight and advance the development of an open and standardized housing provident fund system.