business guide (for employee)-尊龙凯时人生就是博官网登录

business guide (for employee)
purchase of self-owned self-occupied housing

i. scope of application:

1. any individual and his/her spouse who are to purchase a self-owned self-occupied residence in shanghai and have no housing provident fund (hereinafter referred to as hpf) loans to pay and no hpf withdrawal entrusted for loan repayment.

2. any individual and his/her spouse who are to purchase a self-owned self-occupied residence outside shanghai and have no hpf loans to pay and no hpf withdrawal entrusted for loan repayment (the residence to be purchased shall be located at the registered place of permanent residence of the employee or his/her spouse/parent/child).

3. any individual and his/her spouse who are to purchase a self-owned self-occupied residence outside shanghai and have no hpf loans to pay and no hpf withdrawal entrusted for loan repayment (the residence to be purchased shall be located at the hpf contribution place of the employee or his/her spouse, or more specifically, at the prefecture-level city where the employee’s or his/her spouse’s hpf account was opened, and the account shall be in normal status with at least six consecutive months’ hpf contributions deposited so far).

4. any individual and his/her spouse who are to purchase a self-owned self-occupied residence in the provinces of jiangsu, anhui and zhejiang, and have no self-owned residence in shanghai, no hpf loans to pay and no hpf withdrawal entrusted for loan repayment.

ii. application materials:

1. original identity and relationship certifications:

2. original papers that prove the withdrawal reason:

(1) for the purchase of a self-owned self-occupied residence in shanghai, the applicant shall provide the purchase contract, the full invoice for the purchase (if the full invoice is not available due to the previously owned nature of the residence, the deed tax payment certification shall be provided), and the real property ownership certificate of the purchased residence (within five years from the date of issuance);

(2) for the purchase of a self-owned self-occupied residence at the registered place of permanent residence of the employee or his/her spouse/parent/child, the applicant shall provide the purchase contract, the full invoice for the purchase (if the full invoice is not available due to the previously owned nature of the residence, the deed tax payment certification shall be provided), the real property ownership certificate of the purchased residence (within five years from the date of issuance), and the household register;

(3) for the purchase of a self-owned self-occupied residence at the hpf contribution place of the employee or his/her spouse, the applicant shall provide the purchase contract, the full invoice for the purchase (if the full invoice is not available due to the previously owned nature of the residence, the deed tax payment certification shall be provided), the real property ownership certificate of the purchased residence (within five years from the date of issuance), and a demonstration of the hpf contributions at the place of purchase through the “national housing provident fund” mini program or a contribution inquiry paper affixed with the seal of the local hpf office;

(4) for the purchase of a self-owned self-occupied residence in the provinces of jiangsu, anhui and zhejiang, the applicant shall provide the purchase contract, the full invoice for the purchase (if the full invoice is not available due to the previously owned nature of the residence, the deed tax payment certification shall be provided), and the real property ownership certificate of the purchased residence (within five years from the date of issuance);

(5) for the hpf withdrawal before purchasing the real property ownership certificate of a public-owned residence, the applicant shall provide the sale contract of the public-owned residence and the purchase payment voucher (the user copy of the voucher affixed with the business seal or cash receipt seal of china construction bank;

(6) for the purchase of a self-owned relocation settlement residence, the applicant shall provide the relocation and settlement agreement, the invoice or receipt for the extra payment above the settlement allowance (if the settlement allowance is directly deducted as part of the payment for the purchase, the relocation organization shall provide a written statement on making up the difference), and the real property ownership certificate (within five years from the date of issuance);

(7) for the purchase of an auctioned self-owned residence, the applicant shall provide the auction confirmation, the invoice or receipt for the purchase of the auctioned residence, and the real property ownership certificate (within five years from the date of issuance);

(8) for purchasing the government share of ownership of a joined-ownership government-subsidized residence in shanghai, the applicant shall provide the agreement on the purchase of the government share of ownership, the certification of full payment of the amounts for the government share of ownership, and the real property ownership certificate (within five years from the date of issuance).

3. a chinese-funded bank debit card opened in the applicant’s name. (it is recommended to bring a class-i account debit card of the bank.)

4. other relevant materials: if the shanghai provident fund management center has some doubt about the authenticity of the employee’s withdrawal during the withdrawal review, it may require the employee to provide some other valid proof documents.

iii. service methods:


1. for the hpf withdrawal before purchasing the real property ownership certificate of a public-owned residence: the service can be processed at any hpf service outlet of china construction bank in the place where the receiving bank designated by the payment voucher is located;

2. for the purchase of other types of housing:

the service can be processed at any hpf service outlet of china construction bank or any service outlet of the shanghai provident fund management center.


for the purchase of self-owned self-occupied housing in shanghai or the other cities in the yangtze river delta: the service can be processed on the government online-offline shanghai pc client.

iv. processing period:

if the employee’s application for hpf withdrawal conforms to the specified terms, the shanghai provident fund management center shall make a decision of approving or disapproving the withdrawal within three working days from the date of accepting the application. if the shanghai provident fund management center has some doubt about the authenticity of the employee’s withdrawal, it shall conduct an investigation and verification process before making a decision of approving or disapproving the withdrawal according to the verification result within three working days (the investigation and verification period is not included in the three working days).

if the investigation and verification process is conducted with a relevant municipal department, the investigation and verification period shall be five working days in general, ten at most; if the investigation and verification process is conducted with a relevant department outside shanghai, the investigation and verification period shall be ten working days in general, twenty at most.

v. notes:

1. if the owner includes more than one person and they are in no husband-wife or parent-child relationship, then only one of the co-owners and his/her spouse are allowed to withdraw the housing provident fund. if the owner includes more than one person and they are in an either husband-wife or parent-child relationship, then each of the co-owners and his/her spouse are allowed to withdraw the housing provident fund. if the owner is one person only, then the owner and his/her spouse are allowed to withdraw the housing provident fund. the withdrawal applicants for the same reason to purchase housing shall have all the withdrawal formalities processed once for all.

2. if a person has purchased partial ownership of a residence and the rest of the ownership remains unchanged, he or she cannot withdraw the housing provident fund for the purchase.

3. if the service requires retaining certain copies of the applicant’s identity proof documents, the documents shall be scanned, printed or copied by handling staff of the hpf service outlet on behalf of the applicant.

4. if the residence is purchased outside shanghai and the service is processed through the “cross-province handling” channel at the place of purchase, a married employee shall provide his/her marriage certificate, while an unmarried employee shall write the words “i have no spouse” in the blank of the cross-province handling” service processing application and sign his/her name. if the applicant has opened a supplementary hpf account, the withdrawal amounts for the hpf account and the supplementary hpf account shall be declared respectively.

尊龙凯时人生就是博官网登录 copyright © 2001-2024 shanghai provident fund management center. all rights reserved.

address of shanghai provident fund management center(spfmc): no. 9 building, 1016 tianlin road, minhang district, shanghai (postcode:200233)
